interactive installation, 2012

Materials: PVC, LED, Electronics, Speakers, other plastics
Size: W 280cm D 265cm H 370cm

Cynaptic Collective and Deframe Collective teamed up to decorate the electronic music festival OffCentre 2012 at Melkweg Amsterdam. For the Off Centre festival Cynaptic transformed dead parts of the melkweg into a pumping and bleeding tech-organic enitity called 'VEINS'. An abstract VEIN ran through the staircase of the Melkweg as a way to connect visitors to all of the various activities throughout the building. Together with Theo Horsmeier's soundscape the staircase became an alluring artwork to discover and experience. The artwork attracted the visitors to the staircase. Their distance from it determined the pulsing intensity of the artwork. Once inside the pulsing artwork lead them to the various parts of the building.
素 材 : 塩 ビ 、プ ラ ス チ ッ ク、電子部品、LED、スピーカー
サイズ:幅 280cm 奥行 265cm 高さ 370cm

オランダのアムステルダムの「 Melkweg」という音楽会場からのコミッション制作。エレクトリックミュージック音楽祭 に 、群衆を会場の2階へ行かせるために、血管のような動悸するインタラクティブインスタレーションを作った。血管が群 衆行動によって光と音で動悸する。

Concept & Design : Vincent Ruijters & Wijnand Veneberg

Electronics : Roald Joosen

Sounds : Theo Horsmeier

Exhibition : Off Centre Festival, Sept. 2012, Melkweg, Amsterdam, NL

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